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  • computer-security
Cybersecurity Instructor’s Assessment and Skills Guide
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
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This guide was put together to provide resources, tools, and assignment suggestions for assessing student’s understanding of cybersecurity content. More importantly, to create a resource that has all this information in one place. The guide is broken up into assignment suggestions and appendices. It begins with suggested assignments for some cybersecurity courses. Assignments begins with a description of the assignment along with expected outcomes. Below this information is the assignment instructions or reference to a provided worksheet. Each assignment will list if there is a rubric or worksheet associated with it.

Computer Science
Material Type:
Lakisha Ferebee
Date Added:
Information Security
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This course focuses on the fundamentals of information security that are used in protecting both the information present in computer storage as well as information traveling over computer networks. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: explain the challenges and scope of information security; explain such basic security concepts as confidentiality, integrity, and availability, which are used frequently in the field of information security; explain the importance of cryptographic algorithms used in information security in the context of the overall information technology (IT) industry; identify and explain symmetric algorithms for encryption-based security of information; identify and explain public key-based asymmetric algorithms for encryption-based security of information; describe the access control mechanism used for user authentication and authorization; describe Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) as a common solution enabling security of many applications, including all Internet-based commerce; describe securing Internet Protocol (IP) communications by using Internet Protocol Security (IPSec); explain the importance of physical security and discuss ways to improve physical security of an enterprise; explain the use of such security tools as firewalls and intrusion prevention systems; explain malicious software issues, such as those brought forth by software-based viruses and worms; explain common software security issues, such as buffer overflow; describe the basic process of risk assessment in the context of overall IT security management. (Computer Science 406)

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Full Course
The Saylor Foundation
Date Added: